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How Does Our Garden Grow


How Does Our Garden Grow Explanation We are a kindergarten class with 25 students in Hartland Wisconsin USA. We live in a suburban/rural area. We are English speaking. We are seeking students in other states in the United States and other countries who would like to participate in our "How Does Our Garden Grow" project. We would like to "grow" a garden with as many other classrooms as possible. To participate you would email me and then I would add you to our blog. You would share: Pictures or movie of your class and tell us where you are from Pictures or movie of what you will be growing and what it is used for Pictures or movie and an explanation of how you are growing your seeds and where you are planting them Post updates and pictures of your seeds growing Post what you plan to do with the plants once you have grown them This project will run from March through the end of May 2013. Please email me if you are interested in We would be happy to Skype with any classrooms about our garden growing!!!


March 2013 - June 2013

