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10 Unforgettable Stories that History Forgot

By far and away, our most popular program. This program looks at 10 important stories that you didn't learn in History class and asks what stories will we tell our children ten years form now? Fifty years from now? Who is telling us what is an...


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10 Unsung Heroes of Colonial America

Have you ever heard of Dicey Langston? What about Jeremiah O'Brien?  Peter Fransisco?  Chances are, probably not, but they've all done things worth remembering.  We're all familiar with the more well-known figures from the Revolutionary Era, but...


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African Americans and the Right to Vote

2020 marked the sesquicentennial of the fifteenth amendment  and the right of black men to the ballot after the Civil War. This theme speaks to the ongoing struggle on the part of people of all nationalities and backgrounds for the right to vote.


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Charles Dickens--A Life

After Shakespeare, Charles Dickens was the most popular and well-known writer of his day. Novelist, activist, the creator of our modern Christmas. Find out more about this complex, famous personality from a true Dickensian.


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Inspirational African-American Inventors

From the inventor of the traffic light to the real McCoy, African-Americans have made important contributions to the lifestyle we have today.


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POETRY--From Haiku to Sonnet

Poems from three lines to fourteen,Is that what Limerick really means?Learn the forms and write your own;Funny or serious, you set the tone.


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The History of Antiques

The notion of retrieving a bit of the past by owning a material piece of it has always appealed to us. Precisely what is it about these objects that creates this attraction? What common characteristics do they share and why and how do they affect...


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What's It Worth? -- An Antique Appraisal Event

Our signature antique appraisal event--Our licensed appraisal expert will talk about the history of your item as as the current state of the antiques market and give you a value based on its condition and state of the market.
