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Change Over Time: Through Children's Eyes

Travel back in time to “meet” children in a 17th-century Pennacook village, an 18th-century farm town, and a 19th-century industrial city. Using visual analysis skills with artwork and artifacts, students explore how children lived during times of...


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Engineering a Better Future (STEM)

Nineteenth-century mill workers suffered injuries as they operated large, dangerous machines. Students examine the Boott Cotton Mills’ looms and apply the engineering design process to identify safety problems and propose solutions. Using breakout...


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Human Impact on the Living Planet (STEM)

Tracing the water cycle, from precipitation to surface water runoff and groundwater, students investigate how humans impact the health of the environment. Students make predictions, conduct observations, and formulate conclusions as our staff...


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Immigration, Culture, and Community

Discover the stories of people who came from all over the world to Lowell and who now make up the city’s diverse community. Investigate primary sources, oral histories, and objects to learn about the immigrant groups who arrived in the U.S. in...


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Mill Girls: Life and Work in an Industrial City

Follow the journey of a mill girl from her family farm in the New England countryside to her new job operating a loom in Lowell’s Boott Cotton Mills. Meet two mill girls and learn about each girl's unique experience of life and work in a textile...


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The Same, Only Different

Follow the correspondence between six 2nd-grade Lowell students who become connected (as “digital pen-pals”) through a school project. As they share insights into their families, hobbies, and cultural traditions, they realize that even though...


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Waterpower: Powering a Revolution (STEM)

Explore how Lowell's integrated systems, waterwheels and turbines, transformed the potential energy of the Merrimack River into kinetic energy that ran machines. Through a series of investigations, students generate hypotheses and analyze data...
