1. This program begins with a discussion of aging versus happiness.
2. Students will then map where in the body they experience different emotions.
3. Participants then learn about the 4 Keys of Happiness.
4. Participants will then participate in some basic chair exercises to get their body moving.
5. Next, we will practice some deep breathing exercises as we attempt to quiet our mind and nix negative thoughts from entering our minds.
6. We will then discuss the 4 happiness chemicals that our body naturally produces and learn how to trigger their release.
7. Lastly, we will brainstorm a list of favorite things that make us happy.
Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:
1. Students will name the two main parts of the nervous system.
2. Students will list the 4 keys to happiness.
3. Students will name 2 ways to maintain the keys to happiness.
4. Students will name one happiness chemical.
5. Students will name two activities to stimulate the release of a particular happiness chemical.
6. Students will name two physical symptoms that can result from emotions.
7. Students will name 2 ways to curb negative thinking.
8. Students will analyze where in the body they experience different emotions.